Henry Shelton

MSc DataSci | BSc BioChem

Hi there!
Cardiff and Durham University Alum
Specialising in ML & Bioinformatics

Link to my Official Github Page | Here are a few projects...

ChIP-seq CNN framework & Pipeline

Binary classification ChIP-seq CNN to predict peak locations - built in TensorFlow using an inception layer architecture (GoogLeNet + CNN-Peaks). Includes a shell data manipulation + visualisation pipeline.


Largest unofficial Source of statistics for the Channel Islands. API driven analytics and automated with NodeJS backend. Offers an array of statistical reports, LLM driven tools and ML insights.

Post Covid Gym Locator

The years following Covid were full of temporary lockdowns, knowing which gyms & leisure centres were open was a nightmare, this app aimed to solve that issue.

BigMac Promo Script

Use of selenium webdriver and auto-scrapy in a python env for instantaneously cheap food [proof of concept]

Realtime Covid Lockdown Heatmap

Used national newsfeed data and API data streams that fed a basic sentiment model, formulating an overall level of restriction by country (dependant on available data). This was hosted so users could interactively observe a list of simple variable contribruting to the overall score of their country just by clicking on it. [discontinued]

Scrapy Spider

Useful for crawling multiple sites simultaneously and extracting specific structured information (respecting robots.txt)

Analytics Projects

A handful of things I have visualised out of interest (+ reddit karma ツ)

Embeddable Customisable Map Widget

An embedable map widget that shows the locations of points of interest and the closest one to the user. These POI could be updated by the owner. Included a login/logout system, user storage database, payment interface, extensive API usage, an interactive dashboard, and the widget itself [discontinued]

2023 ConvNet Architecture (CNN framework)